Friday, May 01, 2015


Franklin- Part 2

One fine day, a strange and unexpected thing happened…….

I was walking through the home of franklin, when I saw something strange, everyone was mourning, dressed in whites, the peoples were limited to the family…..
The old man, elderly had died…

I thought for a second, that people give huge ransom amounts for the dilapidated, and not a respect for that man, who gives his everything for the world,

I was astonished; certainly I could not eat that day… I was in shock
On the next day, after the ritual of death, the 3 of their kids were crying, the mother too died of the shock…

Now I thought that how could that three children in their mid-adolescence, could bare the living,
I was moving through their hut, without any reason I went in just to feel the situation.
The girl was cooking on the stove; the boy moved his limbs in order to earn the daily living.
I asked him whether the shirt was ready or not. We went into the conversation.

Boy: - which one is yours sir? (Showing some of the garments)

Me:- where is the lady? She knows my garments.

Boy: - sir I am sorry, but mom is not here, she just went far away from us! You can select your garment I’ll get it ready for you by tomorrow.

Me:- Actually kid, I have taken my garments but I owe 500 to your mother. Will give it your mother.

Saying this I went ahead, without turning back.
I could feel the sense of remorse; I was literally worried about the children.
I think how cruel this world can be.

Later I would see every day the same situation there, the setting changed every evening, the three of them silently ate the food served, regretting.

I would also help the children by giving some assignments on my clothes, so that they could live. But still how the world is every situation, every aspect is defined by the world in different mannerisms…

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